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The Freelance Diaries 3.0

Hello! I realise that this is a little bit late... I apologise if any of you have been waiting (honestly though the only person waiting to read these is my mum) but it has been an exciting week!

This week I feel like I've made great headway with both of my projects and was very delighted to be asked to present an Offie after winning last year's award for best audio drama!

But what I do want to talk about this week is rejection... such a word so early in the year I know I know, BUT I cannot talk about freelancing without discussing it at some point and as this is week three I feel we're there.

As I've mentioned one of the largest parts of being a freelancer is finding out starting and applying for new opportunities and with that there will inevitably come some knock backs. Already this year I have had my fair few and it can be really disheartening especially when you're really excited about the opportunities you're applying for. While I'm in the lucky position that I don't need to secure any new roles right now this second I still feel that wave of doubt and instability when I may not get a role I'd been excited about.

But I am doing some things to mitigate the slight anxiety things....

These are:

- Making sure I'm always seeking out new opportunities and applying for roles, nurturing contacts etc (this sounds like a lot but it is something I really enjoy!)

- Planning out my year and highlighting exactly when I will need more work and giving myself at least three months to find it!

- Reminding myself that I am capable and that not getting these opportunities is often a reflection on the project and what that needs rather than my skills or personality

- Practically saving what I can each month so if the worst does happen I know I have a buffer period that I can get through!

But at times like last week when I was invited

to the Offies it made me take a breath and realise that I am doing okay,more than okay and that these things often work themselves out in the end. You will find the opportunity that is right for you. You will find a role and you will be able to make wonderful art.

It was so great to be in a space full of creatives who are making work, taking risks and often in similar boats to yourself while celebrating each other's successes. It was great to catch up with old colleagues and people I've worked with over the past few years as well as meet some new faces too!

This weeks big take away is keep going and what is meant will find it's way. Keep going guys!


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